This is an exciting treatment that has been used in human athletes and horses for many years and is becoming more popular in companion animals. Kinesiotape is a thin stretchy elastic material that can be applied to the body to reduce pressure and pain, improve circulation, support joints and muscles and improve body awareness (proprioception).
When this tape is applied correctly it has a gentle “lifting effect” on the skin and in pets, their coat. This lifting effect is at a microscopic level and leads to more space in the tissue underneath the tape. This allows blood vessels to dilate, blood and lymphatic fluid to flow more easily and waste products to be washed-out and removed. All of these things enhance circulation in the tissue which improves tissue health and healing.
Most pets respond well to this modality. Because the tape is thin and elastic it moves with their body. Animals can move freely with the tape is in place. It is waterproof and typically stays on for 3-4 days and then either falls off or is gently removed. In some cases if an animals haricoat is too long this modality may not be effective for those patients. Kinesiotape is usually applied after after the affected tissue/region of interest has been massaged, stretched, activated or mobilized in order to reach its full treatment potential.