Making the decision to say good bye to a pet is difficult and heartbreaking. We understand and want to make the process as peaceful as possible for both you and your beloved pet. Being at home for this process and removing the stress of a veterinary hospital allows pets and their families to relax and be more at peace in the final moments. Dr. McKerney will encourage you to pick a spot in the home or in your yard that is most comfortable for you and your pet. Sedation will be given to help your pet relax. We will take as much time as needed for you and your pet to say goodbye. We provide after-care services though Bubbling Wells Pet Memorial Park, a beautiful pet cemetery in Napa, CA. Both individual burial and cremation service are available.
In home euthanasia fees start at $475 and include travel, euthanasia and aftercare services. If additional services are desired such as private cremation additional fees may apply.